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🌲 Now what?

Morning pal,

When I first tried to come up with new (passive) income streams, figuring out what to productize & sell was my biggest roadblock.

I had a mix of job experiences and skills — some enjoyable, others not. Choosing the right topic & niche was daunting.

I didn’t want to feel like an imposter. And if I was going to commit the time, I needed my efforts to pay off. But how could I be sure?

After lots of research & experimenting, I’ve developed a tool aspiring creators can use to identify the right passive income product. The Passive Income Pilot launches in May.

Interested? Join the waitlist for a special launch price and surprise bonus. Both disappear after launch.

Onto today’s topic…

Audience Growth without Social Media

You and I are gonna have a conversation today about building our businesses on rented land. Why?


In today’s issue, you’ll gain an inside look of what happens when your account and content are killed on social medial. And three power moves to recover and continue growing your audience.

Level Up

Speaking of social media, I just crossed 10,000 followers on LinkedIn (ironically) — my 10 biggest lessons

🐌 In a world of immediate results, I appreciated this story of slow newsletter growth… to 40,000 subscribers

🗣️ Win audiences by delivering “on stage” performances that fit your style & personality (free guide)

📧 How to build & grow a LinkedIn newsletter (free workshop)

🪴 Passive Profits Community

Welcome Pawel, Lynda, Naveed, Jae, and more who joined this week. We’ve grown to 454 Founder-Creators! 🎉

And a special shout to our newest premium member, Anastasia. 🙏🏼

Jay Melone
Passive Profits
Connect on LinkedIn


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