📈 Grow your profits without trading more time for money

It’s free.

In 2017, I was seven years into operating a 35-person digital agency called New Haircut. We had been squeaking by on razor thin margins since day one. Never more than 90 days out from having to close our doors.

Maybe I picked the wrong business. But I kept at it, tirelessly.

Mostly, I sat stuck in the hamster wheel of sell, fulfill, repeat. No time for anything else - family, fun, nothing. My sleep was in the toilet. I barely saw my kids. This was NOT the vision I had when deciding to go into business for myself.

New Haircut had become a shitty, self-imposed job.

I was making a quarter of peers in corporate America with triple the stress. At the end of 2015, approaching full-on burnout, my 24/7 work routine landed me a divorce.

Living the dream, right?

It’s a tough story and there is a happy ending. But it’s also the right place for us to begin… the hard reality of trying to grow a service business.

I get it. I know the struggle. I know the risk of trying new things that might affect your family, your team, and their families. I know what’s at stake.

If this resonates, stick around. Why?

By 2021 New Haircut had productized our services with profit growth of 1,353%.

~$80,000 in digital product sales

Nearly $80,000 from $200 digital products like courses, toolkits, and ebooks.

Crazy, right? It gets better.

Those digital products sold $815k in premium consulting and coaching.

It’s been 4 years since I launched those digital products and I still wake up to new sales.

What I call “inbox income”

This is the power of productizing your services with digital products you build once and monetize forever.

Welcome to Passive Profits

👋🏼 I’m Jay Melone.

My mission is to help independent consultants evolve from time-strapped service provider to profitable, time-rich entrepreneur.

Right now you’re selling your time for money. And with the rest of your time, you’re hustling to market and sell your services. There’s no time left to scale.

But when you package your services into digital products:

  1. More people become aware of the problems you solve

  2. You establish trust with your client market

  3. You win clients not yet ready to hire you

  4. You diversify your income streams

  5. You win time and freedom back

Without hiring a small army or working (even) longer days.

If all of this has felt out of reach for you, I’m here to tell you it’s all very real and possible. It won’t happen overnight, but I’ll teach you exactly how to achieve the same, faster and more effectively than trying and failing on your own.

Sound good? Subscribe and let’s get to it.

How this will work

Every Sunday, you’ll get one newsletter to help you:

  1. Productize your services into digital products

  2. Leverage those products to earn trust

  3. Consistently grow your audience

  4. Grow multiple income streams

  5. Live & earn on your terms

Go faster with premium

🌲 When you subscribe to premium, you also get:

  • Bonus content with actionable tips

  • 50% off Passive Profits products

  • 1-on-1 coaching ($250 value)

  • Audio newsletter version

  • Newsletter shoutout

Go further faster for $10 per month.

Jay Melone
Founder, Passive Profits

Ready to roll up your sleeves?

Use the Productizer Co-Pilot to grow your profits and pipeline.